
10 trends that will shape 2024 based on consumer habits


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For entrepreneurs

The year has already begun, and several trend reports from different houses and institutes have already been released. In this context, I bring you my selection and curation of the 10 main behaviors that will guide brands and businesses in 2024.

1- Personalization becomes extreme

Off-the-shelf products, content and campaigns no longer work. Personalization will continue to evolve, especially with AI and data analysis enabling highly specific communications. With this comes extreme personalization, made especially for you, at your time and place. Consumers expect content that speaks to their individual needs and desires. This is a wonderful challenge for product and communication teams who have seen their jobs change radically as a result of this behavior.

2- Artificial intelligence as a tool for personalization and automation

AI is still going strong and continues to be a very important tool for customizing on a large scale and segmenting into niches. It is becoming increasingly sophisticated and brings more advanced data analysis to decision-making. Routine jobs can be helped by AI to dedicate time to the right prompt and the use of critical thinking and creativity. In this context, we also have a consumer who won't accept messages and experiences that aren't 100% fluid. Here's the tip.

3. We'll listen to increasingly niche podcasts

Speaking of segmentation and customization, the last two years have seen a boom in the world of podcasts and 2024 will be an important moment for audio content. What's more, the videocast concept will grow stronger, with niche content focusing on the specific demands of each segment and target audience. I love it and I already include it in my routine, whether it's commuting,
, walking or going to the gym. This is a great opportunity for brands and services to communicate with very specific audiences.

4- The digital detox becomes recurrent and for everyone

We often see content creators and influencers in moments of "digital detox", but now this behavior is becoming more massive, due to the benefits that a few days away from screens and connections generate.

5. Brands embracing causes and social responsibility remain imperative

The search for brands with purpose and well-defined causes will continue to grow. Consumers expect companies to demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental causes and to solving problems in our society. It's not enough to have a cool brand, a high-quality product, consumers demand more. Brands that incorporate social responsibility into their strategy will have a significant competitive advantage.

6. Longevity is becoming more recurrent and attainable

Advances in health care, preventive medicine, better quality food, the importance of exercise and your well-being are opening up an avenue for us to live longer. Reaching the age of 100 becomes a possibility, something achievable and shows a path for brands and services operating in these segments. For inspiration, it's worth watching the Netflix series: Living to 100 - the secret of the blue zones

7. Data protection and privacy: not everything can

Increasing regulations against big tech companies to protect people's data and privacy online is becoming more intense. Benefits for consumers who are less vulnerable.

8. After influence, "disinfluence" gains strength.

Tired of hearing what to buy and why, many consumers feel that brands lack authenticity and humility. These are the key points that have given rise to the "disinfluence" trend, where influencers and content creators tell their followers why they shouldn't buy a product or service, and what they should buy or do instead.

9. Ultra-rational consumer

The mix of shopping channels has made it very easy for consumers to search, compare prices, sizes, availability and brands, among other attributes. They can easily read reviews, see how products are made and how services are performed. This behavior, coupled with economic constraints, means that we have an ultra-rational consumer, much more analytical, which makes impulse buying
much more difficult. They have information as their buying guide.

10. Micro community, very engaged

Communities have been talked about for a long time, the powerful influence that a good connection and engagement can generate through a well-built community. What's changing now is that they are, just as I said about podcasts, even more specific, niche, with an even greater and more frequent connection. As if you were in a WhatsApp group with your best friends. Some differences are that they are often paid for, generating sources of income for the content creators, in addition to advertising.

And are you, and your brand, and your business, prepared for these trends? Which trend would you take off the list and which would you include?

A happy 2024 to all!


Ana Paula Krainer

Chief - Marketing and Strategy

Marketing, strategy and business transformation executive with 20 years' experience in the consumer and pharma/health segments, such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Mondelez and MSD, in Brazil, LATAM, the United States and global teams.

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