
The Age of Chronic Skills Shortages and the On-Demand Work Model

Future of Work

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Open talent

In recent years, the biggest question I've received, sitting at the business table, has been: "How can we find people with the right skills to do what needs to be done at the right time?"

The chronic skills shortage is a global phenomenon and affects many different market segments. The causes are diverse, but I believe that many of them are related to the increased demand for highly qualified professionals in specific areas, as well as the lack of investment in education and training (but that's a subject for another time).

The consequence of this is that companies are taking longer to find the ideal professionals and, consequently, are losing speed and business opportunities or delaying strategic projects due to a lack of qualified executives.

Chiefs.Group was precisely the answer to this pain, which lies in a model that we still call "future" and, for me, is more "present" than ever: the model of hiring executives on demand.

On-demand executives are experienced, highly qualified professionals who specialize in different areas and are usually hired for a fixed period or on a project basis to meet a company's specific needs.

These professionals are able to contribute their expertise to solving problems and developing strategies, without the need for permanent employment.

Unlike hiring a full-time executive, which involves fixed costs such as salary, benefits, taxes and other expenses, on-demand executives are hired only when necessary, which allows companies to significantly reduce their traditional hiring costs and remain flexible to possible changes in existing demand.

In addition, there is a benefit, perhaps intangible at first, related to innovation. As I said, these professionals are highly qualified and bring with them experience in various sectors of the market. They can be hired for a specific need, from creating new processes or products, to optimizing existing processes or solving specific problems. In this way, there is a greater possibility of innovation and improvement of existing practices within the company.

Another clear benefit that this model offers is related to digital transformation. With it, new tools and processes need to be implemented. In this sense, it is common for companies not to have enough professionals or the necessary expertise to implement these changes. And this is exactly where hiring on-demand executives, who have specific experience and knowledge, can help the company become more agile, improve its efficiency, and help meet customer needs and demands.

In difficult times like these, simplicity, efficiency and assertiveness can make a big difference and the on-demand model brings these three elements to both parties: companies and executives.

For the company, this means that it can hire a highly qualified professional at a lower cost, more quickly and terminate the contract when the project is finished, simply, without the bureaucracy and wear and tear of redundancies.

For the on-demand executive, this means that they can work on several projects and companies at the same time, which enables them to develop a broad and diverse network and broaden their range of experiences.

In this way, hiring executives on demand has proved to be a viable option for companies that need agile solutions, immediate results and specialized knowledge. Cost savings, flexibility, expertise and innovation are just some of the countless benefits that this modality also brings to the corporate world.

For highly qualified professionals, the market is expanding, allowing for new possibilities and job opportunities.

Luciana Carvalho 

CEO and co-founder of Chiefs.Group


Luciana Carvalho

Co-founder of Chiefs.Group

Co-founder of Chiefs.Group. More than 15 years' experience in Human Resources. She has a degree in Psychology from PUC-MG, a postgraduate degree in People Management from FGV and completed her Executive Program at Stanford. Experience in companies such as Ambev, Sinch and Movile, where she played a leading role in the creation of two unicorns in Brazil. Extensive experience in building and maintaining strong organizational cultures with a focus on high performance. Expertise in M&A, Management Models, Change and Organizational Design. Advisor to national and multinational publicly traded companies.

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