Cost efficiency

A process of mapping and analyzing the company's main expenses that can be optimized and applying a methodology to optimize the most relevant expense

Increase your results by decreasing your expenses

Following our methodology, we will provide an experienced executive who will assist in mapping and developing an action plan to optimize the expense that most impacts the company's results.

A fast and powerful way to increase the company's results, without losing the productive capacity of the internal team.

  • 3-month project with a minimum commitment of 70 hours from a Chief.

  • 1-hour in-depth meetings, as well as asynchronous analysis and report development.

  • Executive with extensive experience in the areas of controllership, finance, business and technology.

  • Payment in up to 12 installments of R$3,333 so you have time to start applying the insights from the mentoring.

Schedule your assessment now

We will assess the fit for the program and find the ideal Chief for your business.

We have limited places for the first round of Cost Efficiency.

schedule an evaluation

We still have 4 open positions